Consider Modular Blocks for Your Retaining Wall

Modular blocks retaining wallBuilding a retaining wall can seem daunting, but with the help of modular blocks, it can be a manageable and even enjoyable project. Modular blocks are pre-formed concrete blocks that interlock with one another to create a strong and durable structure. They are easier to handle than natural stone and cost much less.

Modular Stone

Alliance Stone in Cumming, Georgia, has five different kinds of modular blocks to choose from. These handy components are easily and quickly installed to form straight or curved retaining walls. They rely on their weight to hold them in place and require no complex mortar application. Most DIY homeowners can build a retaining wall using modular stone without extensive site preparation.

How to Build a Retaining Wall with Modular Blocks

Here's how to use modular blocks to build your own retaining wall:

Step 1: Plan and Gather Materials

Before you start building your retaining wall, you'll need to plan and prepare the area where it will be constructed. Make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials, including modular blocks, gravel and landscape fabric. You'll also need to determine the height and length of the wall and the angle of the slope you're working with.

Step 2: Prepare the Area

Modular blocks do not require extensive excavation, so simply removing the sod and leveling the area with a shovel is typically adequate. Compact the soil and add a layer of gravel to help with drainage.

Step 3: Lay the First Course of Blocks

Start by laying the first course of modular blocks along the base of the excavated area. Make sure the blocks are level and tightly together, and use a rubber mallet to adjust the placement if necessary.

Step 4: Add Gravel and Landscape Fabric

After the first course of blocks is in place, add a layer of gravel behind the blocks to improve drainage. Then, add landscape fabric on top of the gravel to prevent soil erosion.

Step 5: Build Additional Courses

Continue building additional modular block courses, ensuring each course is level and tightly together. Use a string line to ensure the wall is straight and a level to check that the wall is plumb.

Step 6: Backfill and Finish

Once the retaining wall is built to the desired height, backfill behind the wall with soil and compact it as needed. Finally, add a capstone or coping to the top of the wall for a finished look.

Get the Best Materials at Great Prices from Alliance Stone

Using modular blocks to build a retaining wall is an excellent option for DIYers looking for a manageable and cost-effective project. With proper planning, preparation and execution, you can create a solid and durable retaining wall that will last for years to come. Alliance Stone has all the modular blocks, gravel and other landscaping components you need for your retaining wall or other hardscape projects.

Posted on behalf of Alliance Stone