A Science Lesson About Polymers

At Alliance Stone, we use the best products the industry offers to deliver a quality product that you will enjoy for years to come. One such product is a polymer. We use two types of polymers, Gator Dust and Polymeric Sand. Both of these products are a great alternative to the traditional use of sand to connect stonework. They are both great for sealing and stabilizing your hardscapes.

April Showers Bring May Flowers – Do You Have A Spot For Them?

It’s springtime! Isn’t it a glorious time? New growth begins, and an almost rebirth of the earth happens to what’s been dormant over the winter months. Everything appears greener, brighter, and happier. Have you purchased your annuals to plant to adorn your house exterior?

Experiencing Stone Envy?

Driving around Georgia, it’s hard not to begin experiencing envy at times. The architecture and materials used to build some of the homes in the great state of Georgia is breathtaking at times. Do you enjoy driving around and window-shopping with houses? It’s a fun activity. At times, that exposure to so much beauty can cause you to possibly envy some of the homes.

Pool Coping With Natural Stone

To generate a smooth, warm, and inviting visual effect for your pool’s edge that is also safe, pool coping with natural stone adds a touch of class and elegance that is tasteful for any outdoor living space. With an array of options and materials, natural stone provides both beauty and strength for pools with natural characteristics for any shape or size.